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Home | News & Events | Faculty News | Dr. Hatem EL-KADI appointed as Chairman of the Information and Decision Support Center (IDSC) for the Egyptian Cabinet

Dr. Hatem EL-KADI appointed as Chairman of the Information and Decision Support Center (IDSC) for the Egyptian Cabinet

Fri, 02/12/2011

Acting Prime Minister, Dr. Essam SHARAF, has issued a decree appointing Dr. Hatem EL-KADI as the new Chairman of the Information and Decision Support Center (IDSC) for the Egyptian Cabinet, effective 24 November 2011. Dr. Hatem EL-KADI has graduated from the EECE Dept. in 1983 and has been a Staff member since 1993, after obtaining his Ph.D. from Lile University (France). Dr. EL-KADI has been involved in many of the activities related to the introduction of the IT technologies in local governments in Egypt first through his association with the IDSC and then as an active member and consultant to the Ministry of Administrative Development. His latest assignment before his appointment as Chairman of IDSC was as the Executive Director for National Management Institute. He has recently co-authored a research article entitled "THE INFLUENCE OF E-GOVERNMENT ON ADMINISTRATIVE DISCRETION: THE CASE OF LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN EGYPT" published by John Wiley.

All members of the EECE Dept. congratulate Dr. Hatem EL-KADI on his appointment and wish him every success in his new assignmnet.