Electronics and Communication Systems Design Lab
(established in 2006): offers community service and facilities for product prototyping and circuit design
Name | Manufacturer | Model | SN | Provider | Provision Date |
Digital multimeter | Sanwa | CD771 | 08065011920 | مؤسسة الجمال للإلكترونيات | Tue, 24/03/2009 |
Digital multimeter | Sanwa | CD771 | 08065012111 | مؤسسة الجمال للإلكترونيات | Tue, 24/03/2009 |
Digital multimeter | Sanwa | CD771 | 08065012120 | مؤسسة الجمال للإلكترونيات | Tue, 24/03/2009 |
PC | DELL | Optiplex GX 755 | 1NGXS3J | Mentronix | Tue, 01/12/2009 |
PC | DELL | Optiplex GX 760 | 1SRM44J | Mentronix | Tue, 01/12/2009 |
PC | DELL | Optiplex GX 755 | 5MHXS3J | Mentronix | Tue, 01/12/2009 |
PC | DELL | Optiplex GX 620 | 76X9C2J | كمبيوتك | Mon, 07/07/2008 |
PC | DELL | Optiplex GX 760 | 7CXM44J | المجموعة العربية | Tue, 01/12/2009 |
PC | DELL | Optiplex GX 620 | 7HY9C2J | كمبيوتك | Mon, 07/07/2008 |
Computer interface | King Instruments | CIC200 | 880943 | بروسيلاب | Wed, 30/06/1999 |