Emulation Visit for Accreditation of the EECE Department Carried Out by QAAC of Cairo University
The Quality Assurance and Accreditation Center (QAAC) of Cairo University carried out its emulation visit to the EECE Department during the period from 13 November till 15 November. The visiting team was comprised of:
Dr. Hany GOHAR (Head of QAAC)
Dr. Said SALLAM (Head of Assessment & Monitoring Unit at QAAC)
Dr. Hadia EL-HENNAWI (Former Deaan of the Faculty of Engineering at Ain Shams University)
Dr. Fatma El-Zahra ABOU-SHADI (Former Head of the Electronics Department and Current Acting Dean of the Faculty of Computers and Informatics at Mansoura University)
The visit addressed the various criteria that are considered mandatory for accreditation. The visiting team met with the Faculty Engineering administration, headed by Dean Wael EL-DEGWY, as well as a number of Faculty Divisions (such as the Library and Student Affairs Office). They also visited the Department facilities including Lecture Halls and Laboratories). Among the important activities on the agenda of the visiting team was meeting with Staff, the Students, the Admin and Technical Staff, as well as Stakeholders.
A report on the visit is being prepared to guide the Department in its preparation for the forthcoming visit to be conducted by a committee from the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Egypt (NAQAAE).