* Eng. Hisham EL-ALEILY - EECE Alumni 1984 - has been appointed as new Executive President of Egyptian National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority
Dr. Amr BADAWY Eng. Hisham EL-ALEILY
The EECE Department is honored that its graduates are being chosen to head top positions in the Telecommunication Field. A recent example is the Egyptian Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (NTRA), which is the top authority responsible for setting guidelines and rules that regulate the Telecommunication business in Egypt. The former Executive President - Dr. Amr BADAWY - is EECE Alumni 1977, and the newly appointed Executive President is Eng. Hisham EL-ALEILY, EECE Alumni 1984.
The EECE Department takes this opportunity to thank Dr. Amr BADAWY for his contributions while assuming his responsibility, and also wishes Eng. Hisham EL-ALEILY success and achievement on the new challenging position.