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Home | News & Events | Faculty News | Eng. Mai BADAWI - Demonstrator at EECE and EECE2011 - wins 1st place for Best Paper Award in the 33rd National Radio Science Conference held in Aswan, 22 - 25th February 2016

Eng. Mai BADAWI - Demonstrator at EECE and EECE2011 - wins 1st place for Best Paper Award in the 33rd National Radio Science Conference held in Aswan, 22 - 25th February 2016

Sun, 20/03/2016


The Department of Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineering (EECE) at Cairo University is pleased to congratulate Eng. Mai BADAW0 - Demonstrator and EECE2011 - for being awarded the 1st place for Best Paper competition in the 33rd National Radio Science Conference (NRSC2016) held in Aswan during 22 - 25 February 2016. The winning paper is co-authored with Prof. Khlaed FOUAD (EECE1987) and is entitled:
Stochastic Geometry based Analysis of Autonomous Uplink Inter-cell Interference Coordination in OFDMA/LTE Wireless Systems
EECE takes this opportunity to wish all its alumni and graduates continued success and achievements.