Exams for 2012 Graduation Projects are held on Sunday (15 July) and Monday (16 July)
The Fourth Year students at the EECE Department had their Graduation Projects exams on Sunday (15 July) and Monday (16 July). A total of 77 projects were evaluated by Staff Members from the EECE Department and CE DEpartment at Cairo University as well as by Staff Members from other Universities (Alexandria, Ain Shams, Helwan, Azhar, MSA, AUC, GUC), from Government Organizations (NTRA, ITIDA, Atomic Energy Authority, NTI) and from Industry (MentorGraphics, Cisco, Ericsson, Vodafone). There was a large variety of Graduation Projects, which has been classified into 6 major categories, namely:
Computer Control
Computer Networks
Computer Software
Electronics, RF, Optics, and Digital Design
Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all EECE Staff for their continued dedication and intimate supervision, and to extend our deepest appreciation to the external examiners for their keenness to participate and contribute constructively to this very special annual event.
Our thanks also go to the Center for Design & Consultation of High Technology in Communications and Electronics, which has been sponsoring the Graduation Projects event for the past years. Not only it has covered compensation for the Project Advisors and External Examiners, but it has also sponsored the very special lunch treat that is arranged on each day of the project exams.