An Optimum VoIP Design and Playout Techniques
Dr. Saad, E. M.
Dr. Shousha, A. M.
Dr. Nassar, A. M.
VoIP, Voice over internet protocol, VoIP design, Playout, Jitter,
Dejitter buffer, Adaptive playout
VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) is the new telecommunication trend,
especially with the increase in the internet connectivity and network technology,
which makes benefits of converged network concept. Also today's computers
power, meets attractive nature of VoIP systems that they can be built purely in
software, although building a VoIP system is one of the most complex tasks. We
introduced an optimal generic Implementation model and explained how such
model can handle various VoIP application types. As a communication technique,
VoIP systems encounter problems i.e. Echo, finite bandwidth …, an exclusive
technique called playout buffering is used to minimize network jitter effect on
received audio, since internet does not guarantee packet delivery time. We
evaluated modern adaptive playout mechanisms and introduced a new algorithm
which tries to react better in silence periods, since in modern VoIP systems
silence suppression prevents empty voice packets transmission, makes silence
periods as a dark network conditions and increases playout algorithms loss if fast
change in network jitter occurs.