Signing of Cooperation Protocol Between the Egyptian Electricity Holding Company (EEHC) and the Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University (FOE-CU) Concerning the Establishment of a Center of Excellence (CoE) in Training, Research And Development
On 31st December 2013, an agreement has been signed between the Egyptian Electricity Holding Company (EEHC), Ministry of Electricity and Energy (MOEE) and Faculty of Engineering (FOE), Cairo University, concerning Research, Training and Consultation. The three-year protocol tackles developing the performance of modern technology and systems in the electricity sector in Egypt (& MENA region). The proposed center will be managed by both Electrical Power Machines (EPM) and the Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering (EECE) departments.
EEHC has sixteen affiliated companies (six production, nine distribution and the Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company). EEHC coordinates between the companies as an Integrated Economic Unit that can afford to provide a self financing portion for its future plans.
The objective of this protocol is to establish a Center of Excellence (CoE) in order to enhance the Parties' capabilities to make positive contributions in different scientific fields for their mutual benefit. The center will provide a platform for conducting research and development (R&D) in the field of Electrical Power, Communications and Electronic Design, that will cater to the needs of local and international scientific and industrial enterprises. The center will also provide a nourishing environment for upgrading and enhancing the capabilities and skills of young and promising Egyptian engineers and researchers graduating from Egyptian Universities and Academic Institutes.
Forms of cooperation under this Protocol may include: conduct of joint or cooperative research projects and programs; exchange of technical information, data and experience; exchange of technical and managerial personnel for visits and short-term assignments; exchange of equipment, materials and instrumentation; joint conferences, seminars or workshops; and such other forms of cooperation as the Parties may agree in writing.
The scope of work of this center includes three main areas; the first area is the engineers’ capacity building which will be done through the provision of training programs and portfolios such as: Electrical Fundamentals, SMART Grid Technologies, Renewable Energy Systems, Distribution Systems, Power Quality, Power System Harmonics, Power System Monitoring & Analysis and Protection Technology.
The second area is the Research and Development (R&D). EEHC and FOE share the commitment to research compatibilities and harmonized rules for the integration of the Egyptian electricity markets, in cooperation with other relevant stakeholders, to develop new systems, products and applications which include: Smart meters & special ICs, Pre-paid meters, Digital Protection Relays, Data Communication Equipment (DCE), Distributed Photovoltaic (PV) Systems; Design and Technology Requirements and Tailor-made solutions for Generation, Transmission and Distribution systems.
The third area is the establishing of an Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) laboratory for digital meters calibration and testing.
The Parties may each invite additional organizations in the public and private sectors within their countries to participate in cooperative activities under this Protocol.
This Protocol shall enter into force upon signature by the Parties and remain in force for an initial period of 3 years and shall thereafter renewed automatically, each time for a new period of 3 years.