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Novel MEMS gyroscope developed by EECE Ph.D. student

Sat, 18/06/2011

A novel MEMS gyroscope - developed by a Ph.D. student of the Electronics and Electrical Communications Engineering (EECE) Department - has been recently recognized internationally and appeared on the cover page of the prestigious Sensors and Transducer Journal (url : . The new design is part of the PH.D. thesis of Abdel-Hameed SHARAF, and is the outcome of a joint supervision by Prof. Serga HABIB and Dr. Sherif SEDKY (of the American University in Cairo - AUC). Actual fabrication of the new design was conducted at the Yousef Jameel Science and Technology Research Center at AUC. It received international recognition, first as an accepted paper presented at the Nanotech Conference 2010, then it was selected for inclusion in a special issue of the Sensors and Transducer Journal. Full copy of the journal paper can be found at: